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LINE 掲示板はLINE(ライン)公式サービス、公認サイトではございません。またLINE株式会社とは一切関係がございませんのでご了承ください。中学生や高校生など18才未満の利用、ならびに異性との出会いを求める投稿や卑猥な内容の投稿は禁止しています。


85097ページ目・LINE 掲示板

まっちゃん 群馬男性40代・09-04 19:47

よかったら、話しませんか? まず話してみないとわからないから。 仲良くなれたらいいな(^.^)

みい千葉女性20代・09-04 19:44


かりん♥糖大分女性20代・09-04 19:40


かっちゃん 岡山男性30代・09-04 19:33


Sandra Amparo??男性秘密・09-04 19:30

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION / MICRO SOFT CORPORATION / EURO MILLION LOTTERIA Grand Royale Park Spain. Dear Beneficiary. We are pleased to announce you as one of the 10 lucky winners in the Euro Millions Lottery International Email Address draw on the 28th of August 2020, due to the mixture of names and address the result was released on the 2nd of September 2020. All 10 winning addresses were randomly selected from a batch of 50,000,000 international email addresses. Your email address emerged alongside With 10 others as a category 3 Winner in the Euro Milliones Lottery Draw. Consequently, you have therefore been approved for a total payout of Euros €1,000,000.00 (One Million Euros Only) The following particulars are attached to your lotto payment order: (I) Batch No: BCA/022/CAC(ii) Ticket No : 197-033 -02345(iii) Lucky No: 04-6-8-12-24 (iv) Ref No: MTD/SAN/9500/LAS. The Euro Millions Lottery Program internet draw is held once in a Year, and is so organized to encourage all the people facing these Covid-19 cases. We are proud to say that over 200 Million Euros are won annually in more than 150 countries worldwide. To claim your winning prize you are to contact the appointed agent as soon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings: NAME: DR.AMPARO ITUBI AMUCIO ABOGADOS FINANCIAL ATTORNEY SSL. Email: amucioabogados@infocaixa.info Contact Phone : 0034 -603 - 248 - 636. Sincerely Yours,. Mrs. Sandra Amparo PROMOTION CORDINATOR.

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